This blog is about me, my world, my internet friends, my work (at times my lack there of) and anything associated with them. There are helpful search tips/links for birth families separated by adoption and blocked by sealed records. If anything seems to be too personal, remember, I could be lying. ;0)
To thine own self be true.......... It's back to my first blog ever where it's all from the heart and to who ever stumbles upon it. Since my first entry, there has been a lot of growth, set back, and reflection. Mostly, there is always hope. New goals. Reconsideration. New arrivals. Repairs, income and bills. There have been a few disappointments maybe, but as we all know, only we decide what to make of any given situation. It has to do with our expectations. Sometimes I forget how others think and how their priorities differ from mine. I'll be careful to remember from this point on. I'm taking time for me these days as it has become vital. If I don't update this blog it's because I'm drawing again, or jogging, or playing tennis.........It won't be because there isn't enough good times to write about--or concepts to share..........I'll just be out there collecting bloggable events. I feel like I'm celebrating new years late. But here it goes.......This one is for me. I just simply don't have room in my life for selfish trash any longer. If your intentions are not pure --go suffer with yourself elsewhere....Do not attempt to waste my time as I won't allow you any of it. It's too precious to me. I was talking with a friend about relationships of all kinds. I explained that when I hear people in bad ones say how they are still together because they "work on it", I think to myself, "oh, work on this!" I wonder where I'd be if I continued working any one of mine in the past. Either dead, in a wheelchair or in prison. I left the sinking ship intact. But I have to tell you, My arms are tired from the swim. I made it to shore thru rapid waters and rough current with some shark teeth stuck in my ass. I'm glad I made it. No, I'm not so eager to get on the ship again. I don't care if it's a dingy or a yaht. Although I left the island years ago, I know now where it is and I'm not going back. I will lay on a different shore relaxing and sipping my beverage while tanning. I may even swim and backstroke for awhile. The fishing is great. I can feed my family with them. The faerie, however serves no functional purpose, and most of the time, has too many passengers consuming those fish. ;0) still smiling despite them all .........................
Those baby pandas on the upper right are just too cute.
The alarm went off and the snooze was hit a few times this morning--but what was different is --it just so didn't matter--Maybe I'd have time for the chores and errands, maybe not. Not. So, we got the car loaded up (after unloading the lawn equipment that was part of those chores we no longer had time for), got the beach bag, got dressed, made the call to our fellow swimmer that we would be in route soon, and we hit the road. Lil one and I picked up Twink and went to the liquor store where we got some blue stuff. I like the blue stuff lol. We were going to meet my son and his girl but we missed each other between 4 different swimming holes. It may have been just as well --seeing as I did my impersonation of a laughing, pink buhda most of the day as I basked in the sun. My face still hurts from laughing and I have my tan almost the way I want it now. After giving the blue stuff some time to wear off and eating again to insure it, we headed out to see the grandbaby. There she sat in the bouncy chair grandma got her, in the middle of the living room. She was wearing just a diaper and a big smile. She loves showing grandma her dimple. Grandma loves seeing it too. By then it was time to drop off the Twink, visit a tad and head home. We unloaded the car and decided tomorrow we will do what we can when we can. The only trouble will be that greedy landlord who will be at the door first thing in the morning. I forgot until just now it was rent time again. Hopefully he will wait until Monday---I am going to have to propose something to make the rent due on the 7th as opposed to the first. This paying out of the paycheck prior is really killing me as I no longer get paid on the same days as when I moved in. If he stresses me too bad we will just head out to the lake --and if he harrasses me there I will sic the authoritys on him. The beach is a secret place. Most of the things on my to do list require money--so they too will have to wait. It's looking more and more like the beach to me lol. I guess I can...........* the following is from memory,not from the heart,as I have lost the rest of this post due to getting the big boot yet again* I guess I can mow, dye and do laundry on my last day off as I have learned that nothing else but work can be done during my work week other than sleep,smoke and eat. Well, maybe a few more things but it was not in my hopes to be totally gross,lol.
Today was a beautiful day. It surprised me not to see the beach totally packed. But then again there are alot of boring, pale, outdoor haters out there. I can't imagine living my life like that. There are actually people who leave their A/C houses to run to their A/C cars to go to yet another A/C stucture(church,work,store etc). Some of these people even go to tanning beds occasionally. ???? I suppose these are the same people who have lactaid right next to the correctol in their medicine cabnets. ????? I don't even try to understand these things. Sun cures all I believe. **** end of memory part of post lol*****
What is from the heart once again is the fact that I am getting mad about both my failure to save these entries in notepad and the fact that getting booted offline will make you lose your post to begin with. You never lose one with firefox -yet my firefox doesn't seem to work with blogger anymore. I am being forced to use Netscape or IE.
Yard work may be in order for tomorrow but that too involves another trip to the lake, as we forgot to pick up a rock from one of the spots we visited. This is a tradition with us. One we neglected for a few years but restarted here recently. I will have to remember to get the film turned in once and for all as it's getting to the point I forgot what is on each roll.
I'm going now to see if I can track my aim buddy down again--the one who IMed me and got me booted to begin with lol.